The Richard Huish Trust (RHT) is a charitable company limited by guarantee (Company number 9320523). Governance of the Trust falls within the responsibility of Members and the Board of Trustees.
The Members
– have the power to amend the Articles of Association (which sets out the trust’s charitable objects and governance structure)
– have power to appoint a number of Trustees and to remove any or all serving Trustees
– may issue direction to the Trustees to take a specific action
– have power, ultimately, to instigate closure of the Academy Trust.
The current Members are:
Jonathan Langdon
Mary Tighe
Steve Harrison
Edward Gregory, the Corporate Member of the Bath and Wells DBE Trust
Although Members have ultimate oversight, the company is run by a Board of Trustees. The composition of the Board currently comprises eight directors including the Chief Executive of the Academy Trust.
The Trustees (referred to as Directors at our Trust) are both charity trustees and company directors and have the legal responsibility for conducting the business of the trust. They may choose to delegate certain powers to committees or to the local governing boards of academies in accordance with a Scheme of Delegated Authority (SoDA).
In particular, Trustees have responsibility to:
– ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
– hold executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the performance management of staff
– oversee the financial performance of the organisation and make sure its money is well spent
The Board of Trustees has established a Finance and General Purposes Committee, an Audit and Risk Committee, an Academic Performance and Quality Committee, a Governance & People Committee and a Nomination Committee to oversee key functions.
Director | Current term of office end date | Status | Role and Committee Membership |
John Abbott CEO | Ex-Officio | Director | Chief Executive Officer, Accounting Officer |
Catherine Christie | 31 December 2026 | Director | Board of Directors Vice Chair, Finance & General Purposes (Chair), Governance & People |
Patrick Flaherty | 31 December 2026 | Director | Audit & Risk, Governance & People (Chair) |
Clare Greenslade | 30 September 2025 | Director | Finance & General Purposes, Academic Performance & Quality (Chair) |
Victoria Harrison | 30 September 2025 | Director | Governance & People |
Daniel Maycock | 30 September 2025 | Director | Audit & Risk (Chair) |
Jade Renville | 30 September 2027 | Director | Chair of Trust Board Governance & People Audit & Risk |
Tim Duffen | 20 March 2027 | Director | Academic Performance & Quality |
Dominic Lynch | 14 January 2028 | Director | Finance & General Purposes |
Olivia Salaman | 17 March 2028 | Foundation Director | Audit & Risk |