Just ahead of the half term, Richard Huish College were very pleased to welcome Ofsted into the College to carry out a pilot inspection, enabling Ofsted to test their ability to do inspections in colleges post COVID-19. The College is currently rated Ofsted Outstanding.
To mimic a full inspection, the pilot included ‘deep dives’ into a number of curriculum and course areas, as well as focusing on high needs learners and the personal development of Huish students. The team of inspectors spoke to a wide range of staff and students, exploring ways COVID-19 has impacted on learning. Staff and students did the College proud in welcoming the inspection team so openly, at what is a very challenging time. Whilst no formal report or grading is arrived at or published as part of a pilot inspection, the visit was a hugely valuable and positive exercise, allowing the College to share the experiences and challenges we have had to contend with this year.
Principal Emma Fielding shared, “Having not had a formal inspection for quite some time, it was enormously valuable to have Ofsted with us and we were absolutely delighted with how the week went. My warmest thanks go to all our wonderful students and staff for showcasing the College at its best and for so thoughtfully and openly sharing their experiences of being part of our Huish community.”