John Eddy has taken the decision to leave the post of Head Teacher at The Taunton Academy. John has been at the school for six years and has devoted his efforts to improving the educational provision and reputation of the school. John took on the post of Headteacher as we entered the pandemic and at a time when the school needed a new Headteacher. John was well placed to stabilise the school during the national crisis as he knew the school community best.

As we are now starting to look forward, John has indicated his desire to pursue alternative opportunities in other schools and the Trust is very supportive of this decision. Both the Trust and John felt it would be preferable to start the new academic year with a new Acting Head Teacher and so the Trust has agreed that John will leave before the start of the autumn term. The Trust has been liaising with John across the summer to ensure there is a smooth transition.

John has enjoyed his time at The Taunton Academy immensely and would like to pass on his very best wishes to all of the staff, students and parents who have been so supportive. The Trust would like to thank John for the dedication and commitment he has given to The Taunton Academy both as a Deputy and Headteacher and would like to wish him well in his future ventures.

In readiness for the start of the new term, I am pleased to share that Lisa Webber, previously Deputy Headteacher at The Taunton Academy and Gordano School, will be leading the school into the new academic year as Acting Headteacher. As a very experienced Deputy and being familiar with the students, the local community and the staff body at The Taunton Academy, Lisa is perfectly placed to take up this role as we move forwards.

Lisa will continue to be supported by Adrian Reynolds as Deputy Headteacher responsible for pastoral care and behaviour, but will also be joined by Saffron Lee, currently Vice Principal for Curriculum and Quality at Richard Huish College, as Deputy Headteacher responsible for curriculum and challenge.

We will of course keep you informed in terms of the progress towards appointing a permanent Headteacher, but for now we ask for your support in helping Lisa and her team ensure a smooth start to the academic year. She will be communicating directly with you shortly in order to both introduce herself and set out a number of other changes planned at the school.

Thank you again for your support.

John Abbott
CEO Richard Huish