For Emotional Literacy  week the pupils of North Curry have been exploring empathy, being aware of and sharing another person’s
feelings, experiences and emotions. They discussed how their own actions affect other people and how to be
mindful of what they say and do.

They learnt that empathy is one of the most important social skills we can learn as it gives us the ability to understand one another and build friendships based on trust. A Year 2 pupil said, “We have to think carefully about our friends because they have feelings too and if you don’t like it then you wouldn’t like it said to you”.

These are some of the ways adults use to develop the skill of empathy:

  • Model empathy – demonstrate how to show understanding, compassion and kindness towards your
    students and colleagues.
  • Listen actively – fully concentrate and understand what is being said. Avoid passively listening while waiting
    for an opportunity to interject and speak.

If you would like any more information please contact, Mrs Day ELSA, Wellbeing Lead and DDSL.